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  4. Git tutorial
  5. 如何使用 Git
  6. 如何在 Git 中管理歷史紀錄
  7. 修改提交
GuidesSoftware DevelopmentBacklog

Project and code management together.




The history of repository

若要確認儲存庫的歷史紀錄,請使用 git log 指令,您將看到以下內容:

$ git log
commit f01c8c09f09e14063feb13b24be592e507ea365b (HEAD -> main)
Author: yourname <>
Date:   Mon Jul 16 23:17:56 2012 +0900
    EDITED: append description of the add command
commit 0de54de5d846d5fb800cf0f4d74f0c79d2e0a186
Author: yourname <>
Date:   Mon Jul 16 23:16:14 2012 +0900
    first commit



Anyone can learn Git with this tutorial and Backlog add: Register a change in an index commit: Save the status of an index


$ git add sample.txt
$ git commit --amend

您預設的編輯器將開啟,其中包含您可以編輯的最新訊息。對於本教程,讓我們將訊息更改為Add direction of the Add and the Commit,然後儲存並退出文本編輯器。

提交訊息現已更新。再次使用 log 指令來驗證儲存庫歷史紀錄和新的提交訊息是否如下所示:

the result of "commit --amend"
$ git log
commit e9d75a02e62814541ee0410d9c1d1bf47ab1c057
Author: yourname
Date:   Mon Jul 16 23:17:56 2022 +0900

    Add direction of the Add and the Commit

commit 48eec1ddf73a7fb508ef664efd6b3d873631742f
Author: yourname
  Date:   Mon Jul 16 23:16:14 2022 +0900

      first commit

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