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11 one-pager examples, plus how to make your own

PostsStrategy & planning
Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

May 29, 2024

Who do you think has a longer attention span? You, or a goldfish?

According to recent studies, the goldfish would win. Sorry about that. Blame TikTok! Luckily, there are formats out there well suited to those with short attention spans (or short on time) — and one such example is the one-pager. 

It’s a small but mighty document that’s all about fitting maximum info into a single page (or two) so the time-pressed can grasp a concept quickly. 

Endlessly versatile, they’re used across everything from sales pitches to teacher recaps — and best of all, they’re really straightforward to do. The hardest bit is learning to distill complex info down to the bare bones, but luckily, we’ve got tips on how to do that too. Read on! 

What is a one-pager?

A one-pager does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a concise, single page* document designed to convey the essentials quickly. 

Often used in business, politics, education, and marketing, its main goal is to give a snapshot of a topic, product, or service so the time-pressed person can get the essentials at a glance without having to delve through reams of data and docs. 

*OK, sometimes it’s two.

What a one-pager isn’t 

In the old days, one-pagers were literally one A4 printout, chock-full of dense, dull text. These archaic examples now serve as a good reminder of what not to do. 

Nowadays, one-pagers tend to be digital and downloadable. They often feature interactive elements, like scrolling, videos, and clickable links, and they’re not always on one page (although the spirit of brevity remains strong). 

How do you use a one-pager?

One-pagers shine in environments where decision-makers have limited time and need to act decisively. Because of their distilled format, they allow for speedy assessments when time is at a premium. 

Whether you are a startup founder looking to attract investors, a marketer aiming to grab customer interest, or a teacher trying to engage students, a well-written one-pager can be a powerful tool for moving forward with confidence. 

  • In the business world, use them to pitch ideas, summarize business plans, outline project proposals, educate staff about a new process, and more. 
  • In marketing, use one-pagers as brochures or promo materials that highlight the benefits and features of a product or service. 
  • In education, teachers and students use one-pagers to summarize complex topics or research findings.

Given the limited space, every word and visual element in a one-pager needs to pack a punch. It’s no easy task. As Mark Twain allegedly once said, ‘I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.’ Or in other words, being concise is difficult, and often takes more time and effort than rambling on. Let’s take a look at how to do it well. 

What should your one-pager contain?

Since these little gems are multi-use, there’s no right or wrong answer to this. But here are the bare essentials: 

  • Title 
  • Summary 
  • Infographic/chart/image(s)
  • Main points
  • Supporting data 
  • Conclusion 
  • CTA 
  • Contact details. 

Let’s expand on these with a step-by-step guide. 

How to make a one-pager 

As anyone who’s ever written a tweet will know, there’s a real knack to being able to distill complex information into something bitesize. Creating a good one-pager is like telling a story: it should have a beginning (top of the page), a middle (the middle of the page), and an end (you get the idea) — three distinct sections, each with its own purpose. Here are some tips to help you on your way. 

The beginning: Capturing attention

Think like a journalist: the top of your page is where you deliver the scoop in as few words as possible. Dedicate around 10-25% of your page to this section.

1. Headline/title

Begin with a strong, punchy headline that encapsulates the one-pager’s topic. This could be the title of your project, product, or the main message you want to share. For example, ‘marketing trends for 2025’ gives your reader a clear idea of what to expect.

2. Subheadline

Follow this up with a brief subheader. This should add a little more context to your headline, and give a snapshot of what the reader will find in the document. For example, ‘personalized experiences are the future of engagement’.

3. Logo and branding

If you’re creating something as part of an organization or for a brand, include your logo. And for that matter, make sure your branding is consistent throughout the document, from company colors, right down to the typeface. This looks professional, which boosts credibility — something you’ll want if you’re persuading a decision-maker who’s short on time and is depending on you for accuracy.

4. Optional: key visual or image

Use a compelling visual, like an image, infographic, or chart, that’s directly related to your topic. Visuals serve multiple purposes: they attract attention, they make the content more engaging, and they break up the text so the copy around the visual is easier to digest. They’re also mini powerhouses when it comes to transmitting data. Of all our senses, 90% of the data sent to the brain is visual. Humans are designed to take in images, so take advantage of their space-saving capabilities in your one-pager. 

This is optional at this stage because, depending on your focus, you may want to keep the image in the middle section. 

The middle: The core content

Now we’re into the meat of your one-pager. Dedicate around 50-75% of your page to this section.

1. Main points and benefits

Start by outlining your main points. Use bullet points and short paragraphs to make the information easy to scan, and aim for two to four sentences per paragraph. For example, if you’re presenting a new product, your main points will be your product’s top benefits, followed by its features.

2. Supporting data and statistics

Statistics add concrete data to your claims. At this point, you may want to add visual aids like charts and graphs, which make all those numbers more digestible. 

3. Testimonials or quotes

If applicable, add testimonials or quotes from satisfied customers, clients, or experts. This adds credibility to someone beyond yourself, which is a powerful, persuasive tool. For example, a quote from a well-known expert in your field can bolster your argument. This works for political and educational tools as well — just add a quote from an expert or key figure to engage and inspire.

4. Infographics and icons

As the old saying goes — a picture’s worth a thousand words. Infographics, charts, and icons break up text and summarize complex data in an easily digestible format. Plus, research has shown that visuals can improve learning and retention by up to 400%, so get them involved. Just make sure your data is up-to-date and relevant. 

The end: Inspiring action

Dedicate about 20-30% of your page space to this section. 

1. Summary or conclusion

Give a brief summary or conclusion that reinforces the main points. This helps recap the essential information and ensures the reader walks away equipped with everything they need to know. Summarize the benefits or key takeaways to remind the reader why the information is important.

2. Call to Action (CTA)

End with a clear call to action. Whether you want the reader to contact you, visit a website, sign up for a newsletter, or make a purchase, make sure this is obvious, straightforward, and focused on one thing — and don’t muddy the waters with multiple options. For example, ‘visit our website to claim your free deal’.

3. Contact information

Include your contact information so whoever has read your one-pager can reach out. This might include your email address, phone number, social media handles, and more. Make it easy to get in touch, and offer multiple contact options for accessibility. 

4. Additional resources or links

If there are additional resources or links that might come in handy, pop them at the bottom. This could be links to your website, product pages, relevant articles, or references. Giving further reading or resources can help interested readers dive deeper into the topic.

One-pager examples and templates 

Let’s take a look at some examples across a range of uses. 

1. All-purpose organization/personal one-pager

The goal of an organizational or personal one-pager is to essentially introduce the org/person. It’s designed to give a quick yet comprehensive snapshot of who you are and what you do. Key elements include:

  • Name and logo
  • Bio
  • Mission statement/problem you solve
  • Solution
  • Features 
  • Core values 
  • Future goals
  • Other services/products offered
  • CTA 
  • Contact information

This beautifully designed corporate one-pager by Mamunur Rashid makes good use of color to pull out key bits of information. Top marks.

2. Education one-pager

Here’s one for educational institutions or programs that need to give stakeholders (investors, students, parents, educators, etc) an overview of the org’s offerings, goals, and achievements.  

  • Institution name and logo
  • Program overview
  • Curriculum highlights
  • Accreditations and awards
  • Student testimonials
  • Mission statement 
  • Future goals (optional) 
  • CTA
  • Contact information

3. Teaching one-pager

One-pagers are ideal for helping students, trainees, or apprentices remember the key points without overwhelming them. 

  • Class name and module topic 
  • Module overview
  • Key facts 
  • Resources 
  • Further study 

Jamie Lee Clark’s teaching one pagers are everything one should be: clear, concise, and designed for speedy comprehension. 

4. Startup one-pager

A startup one-pager is a succinct overview of a new company or business idea, typically used to attract potential investors or partners. It should clearly convey the startup’s vision and potential. Key elements include:

  • Company name and logo
  • Pitch
  • Value proposition
  • Media coverage 
  • Market opportunity
  • Investment stage 
  • Funding requirements
  • Contact information

5. Pitch one-pager

Salespeople, entrepreneurs, and project managers can all use the pitch one-pager to summarize what they offer their audience. It also works as a leave-behind for potential collaborators and investors. Key elements include:

  • Name and logo 
  • Solution overview
  • Market analysis and forecasts
  • Business model
  • Team 
  • Competitive advantage
  • Bid/CTA

This investor one-pager designed by Kridha Graphics on Dribble contains everything investors will want to know in a clear, colorful format. The result is a pitch that’s attractive and informative in equal measure. 

6. Company report one-pager

This is a high-level summary of a company’s performance over a specific period (usually quarterly or annually). It’s used to give stakeholders the lowdown on progress and future plans. It also works as an employee handout or as a prompt for meetings. Key elements include:

  • Executive summary
  • Financial highlights
  • Key achievements
  • Challenges and solutions
  • Future outlook
  • Contact information

7. Product one-pager

A product one-pager gives potential customers/investors an overview of a product, highlighting its features, benefits, and key specs. It’s useful for sales teams and retailers, who can get the topline facts before talking to a customer or delivering a pitch on your company’s behalf. 

  • Company name and logo 
  • Product description
  • Benefits
  • Key features (do them in this order — remember: sell the sizzle, not the steak! Or in other words, people buy what they want first, then consider its features second). 
  • Technical specifications
  • Customer testimonials
  • CTA 
  • Contact information

Panasonic Toughbook’s TOUGHBOOK 20 one-pager is actually (drum roll) two pages. The first is a more accessible sales pitch, with the drier product specs spilling over into the second page (which you can see here). Design-wise, it takes advantage of punchy headers, arresting imagery, and nice use of color and layout to highlight key bits of information.  

8. Investor update one-pager

An investor update one-pager is a brief document used to keep investors informed about the company’s progress, financial status, and future plans. Key elements include:

  • Company overview
  • Recent achievements
  • Financial performance
  • Key metrics
  • Future plans
  • Contact information

9. Employee orientation one-pager

New hires need to take on a lot of information fast. Avoid overloading them with TMI with an orientation one-pager to tell them the essentials. Key elements include:

  • Company overview
  • Mission and values
  • Key policies and procedures
  • Employee benefits
  • Contact information for HR
  • Onboarding checklist

This recruitment one-pager on Slideshare features all the key information a new starter might need, including HR contacts, responsibilities, and even a little Gantt chart setting out the recruitment princess in timed chunks. 

10. Strategic plan one-pager

A strategic plan one-pager provides a high-level overview of an organization’s strategic goals and how they plan to achieve them. It’s a tool for ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and accountable. Key elements include:

  • Vision/mission statement
  • Strategic goals
  • Key metrics
  • Timeline
  • Budget

11. B2B one-pager

A B2B one-pager is a marketing document aimed at other businesses, highlighting your company’s services, benefits, and why other businesses should choose to work with you. Key elements include:

  • Company name and logo 
  • Overview 
  • Services offered
  • Competitive advantage
  • Client success stories
  • Testimonials 
  • CTA 
  • Contact information

This one-pager by Growth Enabler makes good use of visuals, icons, and bullet points. The result is a one-pager that feels packed full of information without feeling cluttered. 

One-pager tips and best practices 

Here are some rules to live by when it comes to creating a one-pager. 

Keep it concise and clearly structured 

Perhaps the most important element of a one-pager is brevity. 

  • Stick to the essentials. To do this, put yourself in your audience’s shoes. What do they absolutely need to know?
  • Use bullet points and short paragraphs to maintain brevity
  • Organize content in a logical flow
  • Use headings and subheadings for easy navigation
  • Highlight the most important points you want the reader to remember
  • Avoid unnecessary details or jargon
  • Place the most important information at the top

Use strong visuals and consistent branding

  • Incorporate relevant images, icons, and graphics
  • Use charts or infographics to illustrate data points
  • Use company logos, colors, and fonts
  • Ensure the design aligns with your brand identity

Start and end clearly 

  • Start with a compelling headline that grabs attention and makes it clear what the one-pager is about immediately
  • Include a clear CTA that tells the reader what to do next
  • Make the CTA prominent and easy to follow

Design for appeal and accessibility 

  • Use a font size that is easy to read
  • Avoid overly decorative fonts
  • Don’t overcrowd the page with text
  • Use white space to make the content more digestible
  • Ensure all images and graphics are high-resolution
  • Avoid pixelated or blurry visuals

Proofread for errors

  • Make sure there are no grammatical errors or typos
  • Double-check all facts and figures for accuracy
  • Check links and phone numbers to make sure all contact details are correct

Tailor to your audience

  • Know who your audience is and what they need
  • Customize the content to meet their interests and expectations

Make it shareable

  • Provide digital and print-friendly versions
  • Include your contact information for easy follow-up

Test and get feedback

  • Share drafts with colleagues or stakeholders to get feedback
  • Make necessary revisions based on the feedback received

Update regularly

  • Keep the content current and relevant.
  • Update the one-pager as needed to reflect new information or changes

Design flawless one-pagers every time with Cacoo 

Using diagramming tools can take your one-pagers up a notch. Cacoo, our own platform, comes with a library of templates, which you can use to create your one-pager and the diagrams within it. Select your design, then just drag and drop everything from shapes and text to charts and more into your page. No more fighting with weird formatting — just polished presentations filled with clear charts everyone can understand. Ready to give it a try?



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