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Top 5 ways Backlog streamlines your tech team’s workflow

How-tosSoftware developmentBacklog
Backlog Staff

Backlog Staff

May 13, 2024

Tech teams strive for efficiency. So, when delays do occur, they can sometimes feel insurmountable. And they can come from almost anywhere. Ineffective and often siloed communication causes confusion for the team, resulting in unclear project parameters. Rigid workflows and outdated tools hamper collaboration and project management. Frequent context switching causes crucial details to get lost in the shuffle. Any small inefficiency can devolve into larger problems down the line.

Let’s put it into context. 

You’re on a passionate software development team, working on your latest product launch. With a growing list of features, bug fixes, and last-minute stakeholder requests, your team quickly finds itself drowning in a sea of sticky notes, spreadsheets, and disjointed communication channels. 

This causes your meetings to grow more and more chaotic, with team members struggling to keep track of action items and progress updates. As a result, deadlines get missed, and morale starts to dwindle, hampering productivity even further. 

Good news: it doesn’t have to be this way.

Backlog is a comprehensive project management platform designed specifically for teams like yours. It brings all your project and task management together in one place, streamlining communication and collaboration and eliminating confusion so your team can focus on creating amazing tech on schedule.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the top five ways Backlog can streamline your tech team’s workflow, helping you navigate the complexities of project management with ease and efficiency.

The importance of effective task management for tech teams

If you want your tech project to be successful, everyone on the team needs to know what they’re doing and when. In other words, task management. As tech teams navigate the complexities of software development, product design, and cross-functional collaboration, planning, tracking, and assigning tasks can get confusing quickly.

Poor task management has far-reaching potential consequences. When tasks fall through the cracks, deadlines are missed. As they try to catch up, team members struggle to stay on top of their ever-increasing list of responsibilities. Eventually, the entire project can grind to a halt. 

This situation not only impacts the project’s timeline but also damages team morale, leading to a decline in productivity and a rise in burnout.

Poor task management can also have significant financial implications. Missed deadlines, rework, and the need for additional resources can quickly eat into a project’s budget, erode the bottom line, and jeopardize the team’s ability to deliver a successful outcome.

But with robust task management in place, tech teams can regain control of their workflow. With the right system, every task is accounted for, and team members are held accountable for their responsibilities. This not only improves the project delivery timeline but also team morale and confidence, leading to a more productive and collaborative work environment. 

As you navigate the challenges of tech project management, remember the crucial role that effective task management plays in your team’s success. By leveraging the power of a comprehensive task management solution, you can streamline your workflow, enhance collaboration, and deliver exceptional results that exceed your stakeholders’ expectations.

Top 5 ways Backlog enhances tech team workflows

When it comes to maintaining a top-tier tech workflow, having tools and strategies in place can make all the difference. The right tools streamline your processes and eliminate barriers to productivity—making your team’s work faster and easier.

Backlog, a flexible but comprehensive project management platform, streamlines workflows, encourages collaboration, and drives successful project outcomes for tech teams of all sizes. Project managers can use it to create custom project workflows, delegate tasks, and eliminate roadblocks. Individual contributors can manage their tasks and collaborate more effectively. And cross-functional teams can share resources easily, even if they’re working from different locations. 

In the next few sections, we’ll explore five of the most impactful ways Backlog can enhance your team’s workflows, from centralized project tracking to customizable reporting and analytics. 

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or joining your first-ever tech team, these insights will help you optimize your team’s processes and deliver exceptional results that exceed stakeholder expectations.

1. Centralized project tracking

Backlog’s robust issue-tracking capabilities provide teams with a unified source of truth for project and task management, streamlining workflows and fostering seamless collaboration. By consolidating all project-related information into a single platform, teams can experience numerous benefits that enhance productivity and alignment.

The Project Board serves as the central hub, enabling every team member to stay informed about the status and timeline of each task or issue. 

For a tech team working on a software development project, this board offers a clear visual representation of the project’s progress. It allows developers, quality assurance specialists, and project managers to easily track the flow of work items through various stages, such as development, testing, and deployment.

Leveraging a Kanban board layout, tasks are organized by status, providing a simple and streamlined workflow that promotes transparency and visibility across the entire team. 

This feature is particularly valuable for tech teams, as it allows them to quickly identify potential bottlenecks or areas where work is accumulating. This enables them to make informed decisions and allocate resources more effectively.

To stay informed about the progress of individual tasks, team members can easily “watch” a specific issue, ensuring they receive notifications whenever new information is added or the task status changes.

For example, a quality tester waiting to evaluate a specific feature can “watch” the corresponding issue to receive updates on its overall progress and any notable problems that arise. This fosters better collaboration between team members and reduces the need for constant follow-ups or status meetings.

Each issue page serves as a comprehensive source of information, providing details such as start and due dates, assignees, milestones or versions, related subtasks, and more.

This centralized repository of task-specific data is invaluable for tech teams. It eliminates the need for team members to search across multiple platforms or communication channels, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of miscommunication or duplicated efforts.

By providing a unified source of truth for project and task management, Backlog enables tech teams to work together seamlessly, stay informed, and maintain focus on the project’s goals. Teams can leverage it to foster a collaborative and transparent atmosphere where everyone has access to the information they need when they need it. Ultimately, this leads to improved productivity, better decision-making, and more successful project outcomes.

2. Integrated version control

Version control is an essential part of software development, but it is also prone to inefficiency. Often, the bigger and more complex your code base, the more complex the processes become.

Backlog integrates version control and code review tools directly into the project management platform, so teams no longer need to juggle multiple tools.

With built-in Git repository hosting and code review tools, teams can seamlessly collaborate on code, track changes, and maintain code integrity. 

If your team prefers working in Subversion (SVN), Backlog also offers that integration.

If you’re unsure whether Git or SVN is right for your team, check out this guide.

Overall, integrating version control and code review into the team’s day-to-day project management reduces the risk of errors and conflicts, facilitates knowledge sharing, and ensures that the team always uses the most up-to-date version of the code. 

It enables developers to easily associate code changes with specific tasks or issues, providing better visibility and traceability throughout the development lifecycle. This tight integration allows for streamlined workflows, where code changes can be reviewed, tested, and deployed in sync with the project management activities.

And as a result, your team’s productivity goes up.

3. Enhanced team collaboration

Backlog’s built-in collaboration tools streamline teamwork by enabling teams to tackle complex tasks together, share resources effortlessly, and keep everyone informed, all within the same platform.

When tasks are too intricate for one person, have a tight deadline, or require multiple contributors, distribute the work more effectively with the subtasking feature. 

By breaking down a task into subtasks and assigning each one to a different team member, you can streamline your team’s workflow by allowing contributors to work in parallel on their respective subtasks. 

This parallel execution accelerates the overall task completion while giving project managers a granular view of progress on each subtask, ensuring the entire team remains aligned and aware of the current status.

Collaborators can also use comments on each issue to ask questions, share updates, and more, further enhancing team alignment. 

Simply open the relevant issue or subtask, scroll down to the comments section, and start typing in the comment field to share your update. 

Within the comments, team members can update task status to alert the project team of their progress, keeping everyone informed about the latest developments. 

They can also attach or link files to provide critical resources and references, ensuring the team has all necessary information readily available. 

Additionally, team members can tag other contributors to notify them of important information, fostering real-time communication and collaboration.

Each project also includes a shared file repository accessible by all project members, including administrators and guests. 

Anyone can easily share files with the whole team by uploading them to this repository and linking or attaching them to the relevant issue. 

This centralized file management system streamlines the workflow by eliminating the need to switch between multiple tools or platforms to access project assets. The Files function also allows for easy file management, such as grouping, moving files to folders, renaming, or downloading them, further enhancing productivity and organization.

By centralizing task communication, project management, and assets within the Backlog, teams can access the information they need at any time, promoting improved collaboration and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

As a result, you can keep the entire team aligned, promoting transparency and minimizing the risk of miscommunication or duplicated efforts. Ultimately, this will streamline your team’s workflow and improve overall efficiency.

4. Customizable workflow configuration

When your tech team embarks on a new software development project, a customizable workflow tailored to that project’s specific needs can be a game-changer. Backlog’s powerful customization features enable teams to create a project management environment that aligns with their unique processes, fostering efficiency and collaboration.

By default, Backlog provides a basic Kanban workflow with statuses like “Open,” “In Progress,” “Resolved,” and “Closed.” But if your team is building a new mobile application, your ideal workflow might involve additional steps, such as code review and user testing.

Using Backlog, you can create custom issue statuses like “Code Review” and “User Testing” under Project Settings > Status. 

Assigning distinct colors to each status further enhances visibility, making it easier for team members to identify tasks at a glance.

But that’s not all. Let’s say your project team is also cross-functional, meaning you’ve got team members from various tech disciplines, each handling unique types of tasks.

Custom Issue Types allow you to quickly categorize tasks so that everyone knows at a glance which tasks fall under their umbrella. 

For example, you could create issue types like “Feature Development,” “Bug Fix,” and “UX Design.”

Your new workflow also needs to be as agile as possible, accommodating last-minute challenges and new ideas as they occur. 

Issue Templates allow you to standardize task creation and ensure that everyone on the team can quickly create new tasks that are complete and uniform with the rest of the board. 

Finally, you can also use Backlog to streamline your project management by creating custom Milestones. 

A milestone is a status along a project timeline that indicates progress. Usually, these align with key deliverables being completed. This not only aids in project tracking but also helps team members understand how their individual tasks contribute to the overall project goals.

To recap, by customizing your workflow in Backlog, you can tailor your team’s project management workflows to align with your ideal processes. This fosters efficient collaboration, clear communication, and seamless task management throughout the development lifecycle.

5. Comprehensive reporting and analytics

If you want to deliver your tech projects on time every time with a high-quality deliverable, you need the ability to track and analyze productivity. Backlog’s Gantt and Burndown charts provide tech teams with powerful insights and data-driven decision-making capabilities.

Gantt charts are invaluable for tracking and analyzing complex projects with intricate task dependencies and milestone deadlines. These charts illustrate the project schedule, displaying each task and milestone along a timeline. 

Tech teams can leverage Gantt charts to accurately allocate resources, manage task dependencies, identify potential delays, and delegate responsibilities more efficiently. With a clear visual representation of the project timeline, you can proactively address roadblocks and ensure that critical tasks remain on track.

Next, your Burndown chart provides a concise, easy-to-understand visualization of the project’s remaining work versus the time left to complete it. 

This powerful analytics tool enables you to predict your team’s likelihood of meeting deadlines, identify scope creep, and quickly assess the overall project status. 

With these tools, you can make more informed decisions about adjusting project scope, allocating additional resources, and implementing corrective actions to ensure successful project delivery.

Implementing Backlog in your tech team

Ready to get started managing your projects in Backlog? 

The first step is to create a new project.

Just select the “Create Project” option at the top of the screen. 

Assign a descriptive project name and choose a Project Key, a short acronym that serves as a unique identifier. For instance, a mobile app development project could use “MOBAPP” as its key.

Next, it’s time to invite the team. Visit the Members menu under Project Settings to invite users or teams by searching for their names. 

If you need to add someone who isn’t on Backlog yet, you can invite them via email or a direct link through the Organization Settings > Members tab.

But what if you’re already using another project management app? Do you need to lose all that data and start fresh?

Not at all–Backlog offers several integrations to import your project data from other platforms, such as Redmine, Jira, and, yes, even Google Sheets.

Create the workflow your tech team deserves with Backlog

As anyone who has ever worked on a project team knows, efficient workflows are the backbone of successful projects. Tech teams require a project management solution that not only streamlines processes but also fosters collaboration, transparency, and data-driven decision-making.

Backlog’s comprehensive suite of features addresses the unique challenges of software development, product design, and cross-functional collaboration in a flexible, user-friendly way. From centralized project tracking and integrated version control to enhanced team collaboration and customizable workflow configurations, Backlog empowers teams to work seamlessly, eliminate silos, and deliver exceptional results.

As a result, tech teams can focus on their goals, stay up-to-date on project progress, collaborate more efficiently, and—most importantly—create amazing technology on deadline. Don’t settle for disjointed tools and inefficient workflows. Build a better one in Backlog. Start your free trial today and elevate your team’s productivity to new heights.



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