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Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams guide

An essential guide to creating clear and informative UML diagrams

GuidesSoftware developmentCacoo

Collaborate visually to create something better.


Before you embark on designing complex database systems, you should design your data model with an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram.

ER diagrams serve as blueprints for database design, allowing you to represent “entities,” their attributes, and the relationships between them. Also referred to as ERDs or ER Models, these diagrams use sets of symbols like rectangles, diamonds, ovals, and connecting lines to depict the relationships and attributes of entities.

Whether you’re developing a new database from scratch or refining an existing one, ER diagrams provide a structured approach to understanding and communicating the structure of your data.

This guide is perfect for:

  • Anyone interested in visualizing database structures.
  • Database developers and designers seeking to enhance their understanding of ER diagrams.
  • Individuals looking to refresh their knowledge of ER diagram fundamentals.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced database professional, mastering ER diagrams is key for designing databases effectively and streamlining your development process.

What is an ER diagram?

Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams are graphical representations used in database design to illustrate the structure of a database system. They depict the entities (objects or concepts) within a system, the attributes that describe them, and the relationships between these entities.

Just as a network diagram helps in planning and troubleshooting network architecture, an ER diagram aids in ensuring the integrity and efficiency of your database system. By mapping out entities and their relationships, you can identify potential flaws or redundancies in your data model before implementation, saving time and resources in the long run.

ER diagrams are invaluable tools for database developers and designers as they provide a visual blueprint of the database schema, allowing for a better understanding of the data model’s organization and relationships. These diagrams also serve as a communication bridge between stakeholders, helping to convey complex data structures in a simplified format.

Similar to network diagrams, ER diagrams can range from simple to complex, depending on the scope and complexity of the database system being modeled. They’re used across fields like software engineering, business information systems, education, and research to design databases that accurately reflect real-world scenarios.

ER diagrams are not to be mistaken with data structure diagrams (DSDs), which illustrate the elements within entities rather than the relationships between them, or data flow diagrams (DFDs), which show the data flow for systems or processes.

By using ER diagrams, you can ensure that your database system is well-structured, efficient, and capable of accurately representing the underlying data and its relationships.

ER diagram uses

Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams are versatile tools that offer a range of applications across various stages of the development lifecycle. Some common uses of ER diagrams include:

  • Visualizing entities, attributes, and relationships.
  • Facilitating communication among project stakeholders.
  • Capturing entity definitions, attribute details, and relationship types.
  • Identifying inefficiencies and redundancies in the data model to improve performance and scalability.
  • Mapping existing data structures and planning migration processes for smooth transitions between database platforms.
  • Validating database schema against predefined criteria or standards to ensure data integrity and compliance.
  • Providing hands-on experience for students in designing, analyzing, and interpreting database structures.
  • Offering insights into entity relationships to support informed decision-making regarding database changes or enhancements.

Types of ER diagrams

Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams come in several types, each serving specific purposes in database design and modeling. While these types may share similarities, they cater to different aspects of database structure and functionality. Choosing the appropriate type of ER diagram is crucial as it impacts the clarity and effectiveness of database visualization.

Conceptual ER Diagrams

Think of conceptual ER diagrams as providing a bird’s eye view of your data model, focussing on high-level organization only, without minor details. Instead of focussing on the nitty-gritty details, they highlight entities, their attributes, and their relationships, giving a broad understanding of the data model.

Logical ER Diagrams

When you’re ready to dive a bit deeper, Logical ER Diagrams come into play. Think of them as your roadmap for database design. They get into the specifics, defining entities, attributes, and relationships in more detail. They represent the logical structure of the database system, incorporating concepts such as keys, constraints, and normalization. Logical ER diagrams serve as blueprints for database implementation, guiding developers in translating conceptual designs into tangible database schemas.

Physical ER Diagrams

If you want to get hands-on and see exactly how things are implemented in your database system, Physical ER Diagrams are your go-to. These diagrams include tables, columns, indexes, and storage mechanisms. They illustrate how the logical database schema is realized within a specific database management system (DBMS). They’re essential for database admins and developers, helping them efficiently deploy, optimize, and maintain the database.

Enhanced ER Diagrams (EER)

If you need a more advanced version of an ER diagram, the Enhanced ER Diagrams (EER) is the best option for you. These diagrams incorporate additional modeling constructs such as subclasses, superclasses, inheritance, and specialization/generalization relationships. They’re super handy for tackling complex data structures and modeling those tricky inheritance relationships.

Relational Schema Diagrams

If you’re working with relational databases, Relational Schema Diagrams are your friend. They visually represent your tables, primary and foreign keys, and how they relate. While not strictly ER diagrams in the traditional sense, relational schema diagrams visually represent database tables and their interconnections.

UML Class Diagrams

And last but not least, we have UML (Unified Modeling Language) Class Diagrams. These diagrams are used to construct and visualize object-oriented systems. UML class diagrams are not exclusive to database design, but they do provide a versatile modeling tool for capturing class hierarchies, associations, and multiplicity constraints. They come in handy when you need to map out entities and relationships in your database, especially in more complex scenarios.

Styles of cardinality

In Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams, cardinality represents the numerical constraints placed on relationships between entities. It defines the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with another. Cardinality is essential for understanding the nature of relationships within a database schema. Here are the common styles of cardinality represented in ER diagrams:

1. One-to-One (1:1):

In a one-to-one relationship, each instance of one entity is associated with exactly one instance of another entity, and vice versa. This relationship is depicted by a straight line connecting the entities, with the cardinality notation “1” on each end.

2. One-to-Many (1:N):

In a one-to-many relationship, each instance of one entity can be associated with zero or more instances of another entity, but each instance of the other entity can be associated with at most one instance of the first entity. This relationship is depicted by a line connecting the entities, with “1” on one end and “N” (or “M”) on the other end.

3. Many-to-One (N:1):

A many-to-one relationship is the inverse of a one-to-many relationship. Each instance of one entity can be associated with, at most, one instance of another entity. Still, each instance of the other entity can be associated with zero or more instances of the first entity. This relationship is also depicted by a line connecting the entities, with “N” (or “M”) on one end and “1” on the other end.

4. Many-to-Many (N:M):

In a many-to-many relationship, each instance of one entity can be associated with zero or more instances of another entity and vice versa. This relationship is depicted by a line connecting the entities, with “N” (or “M”) on both ends.

5. Zero or One-to-Many (0..1:N):

This style of cardinality represents a variation of the one-to-many relationship where the minimum cardinality on one end is zero or one. It indicates that each instance of one entity can be associated with either zero or one instance of another entity, and each instance of the other entity can be associated with zero or more instances of the first entity.

6. Zero or One-to-Zero or One (0..1:0..1):

This style represents a rare scenario where entities can be optionally associated with each other. Each instance of one entity can be associated with either zero or one instance of another entity and vice versa. Both ends have a minimum cardinality of zero and a maximum cardinality of one.

ER diagram symbols

Entity-relationship (ER) diagrams utilize various symbols to represent entities, attributes, relationships, and constraints within a database schema. Understanding these symbols is essential for effectively communicating database structures and relationships. Here are some common types of ER diagram symbols:

1. Entity

An entity is represented by a rectangle or square box in an ER diagram. It represents a distinct object, concept, or thing in the real world that is to be stored in the database. The entity name is typically written inside the rectangle.

2. Attribute

Attributes describe the properties or characteristics of an entity and are depicted as ovals or ellipses connected to their respective entities by lines. Each attribute has a name that describes the property it represents. Attributes can be simple (atomic) or composite, and they can also be single-valued or multi-valued.

3. Primary key

The primary key is a unique identifier for each entity instance within a database table. It is usually underlined within the entity box to denote its uniqueness and importance in uniquely identifying each record in the table.

4. Foreign key

Relationships represent associations between entities and are depicted by diamond shapes connected by lines to the participating entities. The lines connecting entities to the relationship diamond indicate the cardinality and optionality of the relationship. Common relationship types include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.

5. Cardinality

Cardinality symbols describe the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with another entity in a relationship. Common cardinality symbols include “1” (one), “M” (many), and “0” (zero). These symbols are often displayed near the ends of the relationship lines.

6. Participation

Participation constraints specify whether an entity’s participation in a relationship is mandatory or optional. They are represented by symbols such as a solid line or a circle at the end of the relationship line. A solid line indicates mandatory participation, while a circle indicates optional participation.

7. Weak Entity

A weak entity is an entity that cannot be uniquely identified by its attributes alone and depends on the existence of a related entity, known as its owner entity. Weak entities are depicted with a double rectangle border to distinguish them from regular entities.

8. Derived Attribute

Derived attributes are attributes whose values are derived or calculated from other attributes in the database. They are represented by dashed ovals or ellipses connected to the entity from which they are derived.

9. Aggregation

Aggregation represents a relationship where one entity contains or comprises other entities. It is depicted by a diamond shape connected to the containing entity and the contained entities.

ER Diagram examples

ER diagrams differ depending on the type of system they represent and the specific entity relationships within that system. Given their versatility, ER diagrams can represent a wide array of scenarios. Here are a few examples:

Terms in ER Diagrams

Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams use specific terms to describe the components and relationships within a database schema. Understanding these terms is essential for effectively designing, communicating, and implementing database structures. Here are some standard terms used in ER diagrams:


An entity represents a real-world object, concept, or thing that is to be stored in the database. Entities are typically nouns and are depicted as rectangles in ER diagrams.


Attributes describe the properties or characteristics of an entity and are represented within the entity rectangle. Each attribute has a name that describes the property it represents, such as “Name,” “Age,” or “Address.”

Primary key

A primary key is a unique identifier for each entity instance within a database table. It is usually underlined within the entity box to denote its uniqueness and importance in uniquely identifying each record in the table.

Foreign key

A foreign key is a field in one table referencing the primary key in another. It establishes a relationship between the two tables and enforces referential integrity in the database.


Relationships represent associations between entities and describe how entities are related to each other. Typical relationship types include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. Relationships are depicted by lines connecting the participating entities, often accompanied by cardinality and participation constraints.


Cardinality defines the numerical constraints placed on relationships between entities. It specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with another. Cardinality is represented using symbols such as “1” (one), “M” (many), or numerical ranges (e.g., “0..1” for zero or one).


Optionality refers to whether an entity’s participation in a relationship is mandatory or optional. It specifies whether an entity instance must be associated with another entity instance or if the association is optional. Optionality is often denoted using symbols such as a solid line (mandatory) or a circle (optional) at the end of the relationship line.


Aggregation represents a relationship where one entity contains or is composed of other entities. It is depicted by a diamond shape connected to the containing entity and the contained entities.


Generalization and specialization represent inheritance hierarchies between entities, where a more general entity (superclass) is specialized into more specific entities (subclasses). This relationship is depicted using a triangle-shaped arrow pointing from the subclass to the superclass.

How to make ER diagrams

Creating ER diagrams requires careful planning and consideration to effectively represent the underlying database structure. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft your ER diagrams:

  1. Define your goal: Before diving into diagramming, clarify the purpose of your ER diagram. Determine what entities, relationships, and attributes you need to include to achieve your goal. It’s advisable to break down complex database designs into multiple diagrams for better clarity.
  2. Choose your tool: Log in to your preferred ER diagramming tool, such as Cacoo. If you don’t have an account yet, sign up for a trial to get started.
  3. Start with a template or a blank canvas: Upon accessing the editor, you’ll be prompted to select a template or begin with a blank canvas. Templates offer predefined layouts tailored to common database scenarios, while a blank canvas allows you to design from scratch.
  4. Add entities and attributes: Populate your canvas with entities representing tables and their corresponding attributes. Duplicate entities as needed and delete irrelevant ones. Utilize the shape library to add entities and drag them onto the canvas.
  5. Arrange entities: Align entities according to the logical structure of your database. Use guidelines provided by the tool to ensure proper alignment and spacing. Consider the relationships between entities as you position them on the canvas.
  6. Label your components: Include text labels to provide additional information, such as entity names, attribute names, data types, and constraints. You can also number each component and reference them in a separate legend for clarity.
  7. Define relationships: Use lines or connectors to illustrate relationships between entities. Customize line styles to indicate cardinality and participation constraints. Arrows can denote the direction of relationships, such as one-to-many or many-to-many.
  8. Fine-tune formatting: Once the layout is complete, refine the appearance of your diagram by adjusting colors, fonts, and sizes to enhance readability and visual appeal.
  9. Save and share your diagram: Save your ER diagram and choose from various sharing options the tool provides. Export it as a PDF or image file, share it via social media platforms, or generate a shareable link. You can also embed the diagram on a website for easy access.

ER diagram templates

Cacoo offers multiple ER diagram templates, each with its own twist on ER diagramming scenarios. Instead of starting from scratch every time, pick a template that fits your needs and tweak it to your project’s specific needs.

If you create a diagram you think is worth keeping, you can save it as a unique custom template or shape. That way, whenever you need to recreate your masterpiece, you’ve got it right at your fingertips, ready to go.

Best practices for drawing ER diagrams

Following these best practices enhances the effectiveness of your ER diagrams, facilitating clear communication of database structures and relationships to your audience.

  • Use standard symbols and icons. Utilizing shapes available in tools like Cacoo ensures that your audience can easily interpret your diagram. While creativity may be tempting, sticking to recognized symbols enhances understanding.
  • Avoid line intersections. Crossing lines in ER diagrams can obscure the flow of information. Ensure adequate spacing within your diagram to prevent lines from crossing, maintaining clarity in depicting relationships.
  • Ensure object alignment. Take advantage of features like the grid background and guidelines provided by tools like Cacoo to align objects consistently. Proper alignment enhances the coherence and professionalism of your ER diagram.
  • Use colors for connections. Enhance clarity by assigning different colors to represent various types of connections in your ER diagram. Color coding aids viewers in distinguishing between different relationships, contributing to improved comprehension.
  • Maintain left-to-right directional flow. To facilitate understanding, maintain a consistent left-to-right directional flow in your ER diagrams. This uniform directionality guides viewers through the logical structure of entities and relationships.
  • Limit start and end events. Similar to network diagrams, ensure that your ER diagram contains only one start event and one end event to avoid confusion. If necessary, consider creating separate diagrams for distinct start and end points to maintain clarity and focus.

ER diagramming errors to avoid

You should avoid a few common formatting errors when creating ER diagrams.

  • Incorrect entity relationships: A common hiccup in ER diagramming: misinterpreting entity relationships. While 1:1 relationships usually sail smoothly, when it comes to distinguishing between 1:N and M:N relationships, things can get a bit complicated. This confusion often stems from not fully understanding user requirements, which is why clearly defined requirements and a deep comprehension of the database’s purpose and usage are essential.
  • Entity instances vs entity types: Another common mistake is using entity instances instead of entity types. An entity instance represents a single occurrence, whereas an entity encompasses a broader category. For instance, the BMW 5 Series represents an entity type, while a particular vehicle within the BMW 5 Series is considered an entity instance.
  • Confusing attributes with entities: Confusing attributes with entities is another common error. Attributes represent the properties or characteristics of an entity, while entities represent distinct objects or occurrences. To avoid this mistake, clearly distinguish between entities and attributes when creating the ERD.
  • Inclusion of complex attributes as entities: Including complex attributes as entities is also a common pitfall. Complex attributes, such as multiple components within a single attribute, should be modeled as separate entities for better organization and clarity. For example, if you’re designing an ER diagram for an inventory system that tracks product sales. Instead of modeling detailed sales information (e.g., sales date, quantity sold, sales amount) as complex attributes within the “Product” entity, it’s advisable to create a separate “Sales” entity.
  • Naming issues: Labeling your entities properly is crucial for a successful ER diagram. Utilizing vague or overly complex labels for entities can obscure their function, complicating comprehension of the diagram. Aim for succinct and descriptive labels. Ambiguous definitions, or ones that fail to delineate between entities and categories, can also blur the distinction in the data model, potentially causing confusion in the diagram.

ER diagrams for project management

ER diagrams play a crucial role in project management by providing a visual framework for understanding, planning, and communicating the data aspects of a project. They empower project managers to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and ultimately drive successful project outcomes.

  • Visual representation: ER diagrams visually represent the data model, offering a clear and intuitive way to understand the relationships between different entities and attributes. This visual clarity is essential for project managers to grasp the structure of the project’s data and its dependencies.
  • Understanding dependencies: Project managers can use ER diagrams to identify dependencies between various project components. By visualizing the relationships between entities, they can better understand how changes to one aspect of the project may impact others, helping to anticipate potential risks and plan accordingly.
  • Communication: ER diagrams are effective communication tools between project managers, team members, and stakeholders. They provide a central point for discussing the project’s data requirements and structure, ensuring that everyone involved has a shared understanding of the project’s scope and objectives.
  • Requirements analysis: ER diagrams also allow project managers to define and refine the data model with stakeholders. Through discussions facilitated by the diagram, project managers can elicit requirements, clarify ambiguities, and ensure that the data model aligns with the project’s objectives.
  • Project planning: ER diagrams aid project planning by providing a blueprint for the database implementation. Project managers can use the diagram to break down the project into manageable tasks, allocate resources effectively, and establish timelines for development milestones based on the data model’s complexity and dependencies.
  • Quality assurance: By reviewing and validating the ER diagram, project managers can ensure the integrity and completeness of the data model. This proactive approach to quality assurance helps identify potential issues early in the project lifecycle, minimizing the risk of errors and rework during implementation.

Cacoo for ER diagrams

Creating Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams with Cacoo is a breeze. Our intuitive cloud-based editor makes it simple for your team to collaborate in real time. With features like in-app comments and presentation mode, gathering feedback and refining your diagrams is a breeze. Shared folders ensure your team has easy access to all necessary diagrams, and sharing with stakeholders is quick and hassle-free.

But that’s not all! Cacoo isn’t just for ER diagrams; you can create a variety of professional diagrams, including flowcharts, sitemaps, wireframes, mind maps, and more.

Sign up today to enjoy:

  • Access a variety of pre-designed ER diagram templates tailored for specific diagrams.
  • Advanced exporting options (PNG, PDF, PPT, PostScript, or SVG)
  • Revision history to track changes and edits
  • Full access to integrations with Google Drive, Dropbox, Adobe Creative Cloud, and more
  • Team management features, including inviting members to your Organization, creating groups, and assigning roles
  • Advanced security controls to manage access to diagrams

Try Cacoo for yourself with our 14-day free trial—no credit card required.


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