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Turn chaos into calm with these 7 prioritization frameworks

PostsProject management
Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

September 20, 2024

Ever felt like a rabbit in the headlights in the face of competing priorities? And with every stakeholder saying their task is a top priority, what’s an overworked product manager to do? 

Without a framework, decision-making often becomes a chaotic mess, prone to bias and distractions. Which is why having a structured approach can be a real lifesaver. 

Product prioritization frameworks are exactly what they sound like: formulaic methods for helping you prioritize tasks or features based on various criteria. They help you find the way ahead when every job is clamoring for your team’s attention. Here’s what you need to know.

What is prioritization in product management?

Prioritization in product management is the process of working out what your team should tackle first, be it a project, feature, or task. It not only guides decision-making, keeping the team laser-focused on high-value work. It also helps you keep a transparent approach when explaining to stakeholders why you’re prioritizing one thing and not another. 

Prioritizing involves evaluating various components, including:

  • Potential impact
  • Feasibility
  • Alignment with business goals; and 
  • Resource availability.

Why are product prioritization frameworks useful?

These frameworks cut through the chaos of competing ideas and requests, helping you focus on what adds real value. They do this via a consistent, data-driven approach, which has the added bonus of giving you legitimate justification for your choices. 

In a nutshell, product prioritization helps to:

  • Eliminate bias and guesswork through measurable criteria
  • Enhance decision-making speed and efficiency
  • Ensure focus on strategic objectives
  • Foster transparency and consistency across teams
  • Reduce tension by providing a clear rationale for prioritization
  • Highlight trade-offs, enabling better resource allocation
  • Facilitate quick pivots based on evolving needs or data
  • Strengthen collaboration by aligning stakeholders on shared goals.

Essentially, product prioritization helps you answer the question, “What should we work on next?” and keeps those efforts concentrated on tasks that deliver the best return on investment. 

What are the steps involved in using a prioritization framework?

Using a prioritization framework is more than just plugging numbers into a formula or filling out a chart. Sorry about that! But don’t worry — with a step-by-step guide and a little practice, the technique gets easier. Here’s how to do it.

1. Identify your goals and objectives

Work out what you want to do, and cling onto that goal! Whether it’s driving revenue, or improving customer retention, your goals will serve as the foundation for every decision you make. 

This step steers you away from reactive choices and towards a considered approach, where every task/project is evaluated based on how well it contributes to business objectives. This has the added bonus of making you, the manager, look like the focused, strategic thinker you are!

Pro tip: Get your stakeholders on board early by clearly defining these goals together. It’ll help avoid misalignment down the road when you need to justify why certain projects are getting priority.

2. List all potential projects or features

List everything that’s currently on the to-do list. New features, bug fixes, technical debt, performance improvements, and any other initiatives — it’s important to capture everything — big or small — so you don’t miss out on any high-value opportunities. 

Keep the list detailed but not overwhelming at this point. Break down projects into manageable chunks you can assess independently. E.g., instead of listing “Improve user onboarding,” break it into specific, actionable tasks like “Redesign onboarding flow” or “Add in-app tooltips for new users.”

3. Gather necessary data for evaluation

Now it’s time to add real-world data to get a more accurate picture. Here are a few example data points you might need, depending on the framework you’re using:

  • Potential customer reach: How many users or segments will this project impact?
  • Business impact: How much revenue, retention, or engagement could it drive?
  • Complexity or effort: How many resources or hours of work are required?
  • Confidence level: How certain are you about the project’s predicted impact?

Include user research, analytics, feedback from other departments (like sales or customer support), and technical assessments from the dev team in your data sourcing. The more accurate and relevant it is, the better your prioritization outcomes.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget qualitative data! User feedback might not always have a direct metric, but if there’s overwhelming demand for a certain feature, it’s still a strong indicator of potential value.

4. Choose the appropriate framework

Different frameworks emphasize different factors. The one you choose should align with your goals and your data type.

For example:

  • If you’re balancing high-value features against technical complexity, the Value vs. Complexity Quadrant might be your best bet.
  • If you’re trying to quantify factors like reach and confidence, the RICE framework could be ideal.
  • If you need a fast, gut-feel approach, the ICE Scoring Model (Impact, Confidence, Ease) might serve you well.

We’ll run through the range of frameworks in more detail a little later on.

5. Score and rank each project

This is where the magic happens! Scoring each project based on predefined criteria helps transform subjective ideas into objective, comparable metrics.

Let’s take the RICE framework as an example. In this case, you’d assign a score to each project based on:

  • Reach (how many users it will affect),
  • Impact (how much it will influence their behavior),
  • Confidence (how certain you are about the impact),
  • Effort (how much time or resources are needed).

You then calculate a final score, which helps you rank all the projects. The ones with the highest scores rise to the top, making it clear where your team should focus its attention.

In other frameworks, you might create visual representations, like quadrants or weighted matrices, to show how each project stacks up against the others. No matter the method, the goal is the same: to rank projects based on value, effort, and alignment with your objectives.

6. Consider external factors and constraints

While the scores or rankings from your framework are a solid guide, real-world constraints might call for extra consideration. Factors like resource availability or competitive pressure might influence which items you tackle first, even if they don’t rank highest.

For example, let’s say you have an urgent bug fix. It’s not the most exciting project, but keeping the bug and having a faulty feature could negatively affect customer trust. Or maybe a new regulatory requirement forces you to prioritize compliance features, even though they don’t have immediate customer-facing value.

The best product managers know when to stick to the data and when to adapt based on other factors. Stay flexible and balance the framework recommendations with real-world context. Always.

7. Communicate your decisions

Don’t just steamroll ahead, or keep quiet in case you ruffle feathers with your choice. Share your decisions with your team and stakeholders. Explain the reasoning behind each one, plus the data that informed them, and how the framework guided you to these conclusions.

Clear communication helps you get buy-in. This is especially from teams like sales or customer support, which may have different priorities. By backing up your decisions with data, you’ll build trust and reduce friction.

Pro Tip: Make sure to leave room for feedback and discussion. Sometimes additional insights or concerns from stakeholders can lead to important adjustments.

7 of the top project prioritization frameworks

Let’s get into the frameworks on offer! In this section, we’ll break down 8 of the top frameworks, explaining how they work, their advantages, and when to use them.

1. Value vs. complexity quadrant

This is a straightforward visual prioritization framework that helps teams assess tasks based on the value they deliver compared to the complexity or effort required.

It categorizes initiatives into four quadrants, which helps teams quickly see which projects are the easy wins and which ones might not be worth the effort.

  • High value, low complexity (quick wins): These tasks that deliver the most value with the least amount of effort. Prioritize them, because they give maximum value with minimum investment. 
  • High value, high complexity (strategic projects): While these tasks offer value, they also require substantial time and resources. They might be worth chasing, but you may need to break them down into smaller milestones or scheduled for later phases.
  • Low value, low complexity (fill-ins): These tasks are easy to tick off but don’t contribute much to the overall strategy. Do them if time allows, but don’t prioritize. 
  • Low value, high complexity (time sinks): Projects that fall into this category are high-effort but offer little return on investment. Push them down the to-do list, or off it entirely. 

When to use it: When you need a quick, high-level overview for prioritizing tasks. It’s especially useful in product teams where resources are limited, and you need to focus on squeezing maximum value from your time.

Pro tip: Use this quadrant during sprint planning sessions. It helps the team visualize how tasks will impact the product and how difficult they’ll be to pull off. It’s a great way to get wider buy-in on what to tackle first.

2. The Kano model

This is a user-centric prioritization framework that focuses on what impact various features have on customer satisfaction. It helps teams prioritize features based on how they will affect users emotionally.

The Kano Model classifies features into five categories:

  • Must-haves (basic needs): These are the core features your product absolutely needs to have. Your non-negotiables. Without them, your product won’t work/users will be unhappy, but adding more of them won’t massively increase satisfaction. 
  • Performance features: These increase user satisfaction in a linear way — the more you have, the happier users become. These should be prioritized for consistent, measurable improvement.
  • Delighters (excitement features): These are unexpected features that go beyond user expectations and create delight. They might not be immediately necessary, but they can differentiate your product and build user loyalty.
  • Indifferent features: Features that users don’t care much about either way. These should be deprioritized since they don’t really affect user experience.
  • Reverse features: These are features that could actually reduce satisfaction. Avoid, or use carefully depending on context.

When to use it: When customer satisfaction is key. It’s especially useful when you’re dealing with user experience or customer-driven development.

Pro tip: Combine the Kano Model with user feedback surveys or interviews to classify your features based on how customers perceive them. 

3. Weighted scoring prioritization

This is a quantitative framework, giving you a clear, numerical approach to ranking projects. 

You assign weights to various criteria (e.g. revenue potential, user impact, strategic alignment, or technical feasibility), and then score each project based on those factors. Then multiply each score by its corresponding weight. The total score helps you determine the priority of each project.

For example, if “user impact” has a weight of 40% and “technical complexity” is 30%. If a feature scores highly on impact but low on complexity, its overall score might still rank it highly for development.

Formula: Weighted Score = ∑ (Score for Criterion x Weight of Criterion)

When to use it: If you want a highly data-driven approach, this is the framework for you. It works really well in product teams that need to justify decisions to stakeholders, because the method is quantifiable.

Pro tip: Be careful not to overwhelm the process with too many criteria. Stick to 3-5 that reflect your core business goals to avoid unnecessary complexity.

4. The RICE framework

RICE stands for Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. These four dimensions help you analyze both the benefits and the costs of your project. It’s a quantitative method designed to help product teams measure the impact of a feature/product. 

  • Reach: How many users or customers will this initiative affect within a given timeframe? It’s normally measured in numbers (e.g., “1,000 users per month”).
  • Impact: How much will this feature or project affect users? Use a scale such as “massive,” “high,” “medium,” “low,” or “minimal” to gauge the impact.
  • Confidence: Express confidence as a percentage (e.g., 80% confidence), to show how reliable the other factors are.
  • Effort: How much time and resources will this take? Measure it in person-months or another effort-related metric.

Formula: Multiply the Reach, Impact, and Confidence scores together, and then divide the result by the Effort score.

When to use it: It’s perfect for product teams looking to balance high-impact initiatives with realistic effort estimations. It’s especially useful for when you need to scale up quickly.

Pro tip: Use RICE when your team is debating between multiple high-priority projects. It helps you quantify abstract ideas like “impact” and makes it easier to compare projects objectively.

5. ICE scoring model

The ICE Scoring Model is a simplified version of RICE. It gives you a quicker way to rank ideas based on three key factors: Impact, Confidence, and Ease (ICE). 

You assign scores (often on a scale of 1-10) to each factor and calculate a final score for each project by multiplying the three numbers together.

Formula: ICE Score = Impact × Confidence × Ease

  • Impact: How much will this initiative move the needle for your product or business?
  • Confidence: How confident are you in your estimates for the other two factors?
  • Ease: How easy will it be to implement? Lower complexity tasks score higher here.

When to use it: The ICE scoring model is ideal for early-stage product teams or when you need a quick, high-level method for sorting through many ideas without extensive analysis.

Pro tip: Use ICE for brainstorming sessions or when you need to evaluate a backlog quickly. It’s a great starting point when you don’t have enough data to justify more complex prioritization frameworks.

6. The MoSCoW method

The MoSCoW method helps teams classify features or projects into four categories based on their importance:

  • Must-haves: Essential features that you need for the product to function. Without these, the project would fail.
  • Should-haves: Important features, but not critical. These impact the product but can be delayed if necessary.
  • Could-haves: Nice-to-have features that don’t impact the core function. These can be included if time and resources permit.
  • Won’t-haves: Features that won’t be included in this cycle but may be considered in the future.

When to use it: When you need to prioritize a long list of features in a simple, logical way, particularly for release planning.

Pro tip: Use the MoSCoW method during sprint planning or roadmap discussions. It’s a fast way to keep the team focused on the most critical features without getting distracted by non-essential items.

7. Cost of Delay framework

The Cost of Delay framework focuses on the economic impact of delaying a project. It helps you calculate the potential financial loss or missed opportunities of postponing a project. With this knowledge you can work out which tasks cost the most to delay, and prioritize based on that. 

Formula: Total COD = Lost Month Cost + Peak Reduction Cost

When to use it: Use it when time-to-market is crucial, or when you’re weighing the urgency of different projects. It’s especially useful in industries where speed and first-mover advantage are key.

Pro tip: Combine Cost of Delay with other frameworks to balance financial urgency with strategic goals and effort.

How to choose the right prioritization framework

No easy task, since no approach is one-size-fits-all! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose.

1. Understand your product and business goals

Be sure about your overarching business goals and how they fit into the larger strategy. Are you focused on rapid growth, user retention, profitability, or something else? The framework you choose should align with these goals.

  • If you’re focused on growth, frameworks like the RICE model or ICE Scoring will help you prioritize features that drive growth based on reach and impact.
  • If your priority is improving customer satisfaction, the KANO model is an excellent choice because it focuses on delighting users while ensuring basic functionality is in place.
  • If speed to market is crucial, the Cost of Delay method might be your best bet, because it highlights the economic consequences of delaying a project.

Pro tip: Write down your top 2-3 business goals. This clarity will help you quickly narrow down which frameworks are best suited to achieving them.

2. Assess the nature of your backlog

Take a close look at the type of work in your backlog. Do you have a mix of bug fixes, technical debt, new features, or strategic projects? The nature of your projects will influence which framework is most appropriate.

  • If your backlog is a mix of low-effort, high-value tasks and long-term projects, you’ll want the Value vs. Complexity Quadrant. It can help you spy which quick wins you can focus on over more complicated efforts. 
  • If your backlog is full of competing features, the Weighted Scoring method is your friend. It gives you the flexibility to assign weights to the most relevant criteria (e.g., user impact, revenue potential, or strategic fit).

Pro tip: Segment your backlog into categories (e.g., user-facing features, technical debt, bugs). You might even find that different segments require different frameworks.

3. Consider the data you have available

Some frameworks call for more data than others. If you have access to detailed analytics, customer feedback, and estimates of resource effort, more complex frameworks like RICE or Weighted Scoring can give you a high degree of precision. 

But if you’re operating with limited data or early-stage ideas, simpler models like ICE Scoring or the MoSCoW Method might be a better fit.

  • If you have solid data on user behavior and impact metrics, take advantage of frameworks like RICE, which rely on quantifying reach, impact, and effort.
  • If you’re lacking data, a more intuitive approach like ICE Scoring or the MoSCoW Method allows for quicker decision-making based on estimates and team judgment.

Pro tip: If you lack data but still want to use data-driven prioritization, start tracking customer feedback and key metrics over time. Your framework can evolve as your data matures.

4. Evaluate your team’s needs and decision-making style

Factor in the structure of your team and how they prefer to make decisions when choosing your framework.

  • If your team prefers a more collaborative and visual approach, the Value vs. Complexity Quadrant or the Kano Model can facilitate discussions and create consensus through clear visuals and customer-centric thinking.
  • If your team is more quantitative and data-driven, frameworks like RICE or Weighted Scoring allow for a more rigorous approach, relying on scoring and numbers to rank projects.
  • If speed is essential and your team is calling for fast decisions, ICE Scoring or MoSCoW is the one you want. It’s ideal for fast prioritization with minimal debate.

Pro tip: Get input from your team before choosing a framework. If they feel involved, it’ll be easier to implement the framework and get buy-in from across departments.

5. Factor in the stage of your product

The stage of your product’s lifecycle can also influence which framework is the best one for you.

  • For early-stage products, you may be looking to quickly iterate and test new features. The ICE Scoring or RICE frameworks work well because they emphasize speed and potential impact over perfection.
  • For a mature product, where you may be focused more on refining and optimizing, Cost of Delay or Weighted Scoring can help you prioritize the most impactful optimizations while balancing resources.
  • For products with heavy technical debt, the Value vs. Complexity Quadrant can be a valuable way to balance must-have improvements with easy-to-implement fixes.

Pro tip: In early-stage products, prioritize experimentation and features with rapid feedback cycles. As your product matures, shift to frameworks that allow for more detailed analysis and long-term planning.

6. Balance customer needs with business priorities

Often they go hand-in-hand, but not always. Some frameworks, like the Kano Model, prioritize customer satisfaction, whereas others, like Cost of Delay, concentrate on optimizing business results.

  • If customer satisfaction is your number-one focus, you’ll want the Kano Model or RICE. Both help you focus on features that improve user experience.
  • If you’re balancing growth and profitability, Weighted Scoring or Cost of Delay will be  your best bet. Both help you focus on projects that boost your bottom line without sacrificing long-term value.

Pro tip: Don’t just rely on a customer-driven framework like the Kano Model. Balance customer satisfaction with business value by using a second framework to cross-check priorities.

7. Adaptability and scalability

Your framework needs to flex with your product. As your team scales up and your backlog grows, you’ll want something that helps you navigate more complex decision-making. 

  • If you’re in a startup or fast-paced environment, you’ll want a lightweight framework like ICE Scoring or MoSCoW. They’re easier to manage and faster to get up and running.
  • If you’re part of a larger, more established organization, more detailed frameworks like RICE or Weighted Scoring help you manage a bigger backlog and keep multiple teams pulling in the same direction. 

Pro Tip: Revisit your framework every few months to make sure it’s still the best fit for your needs.  

How often should you review your prioritization framework?

Revisit your prioritization framework to stay aligned with evolving goals and market conditions. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Key milestones/planning cycles: Review during quarterly or annual planning to stay alone with your core goals, especially when shifting from acquisition to retention. Hold team feedback sessions for additional insight. 
  • Adapting to customer needs: Watch for consistent feedback indicating shifts in customer preferences or needs. Use these cues to adjust your priorities, staying responsive to real-time insights while avoiding chasing every new request.
  • Shifting market conditions: Market changes like new competitors, regulations, or tech trends can impact your roadmap. Reassess when significant external shifts happen to stay relevant.
  • Post-project review: After completing major projects, evaluate your results against those initial expectations. Unexpected outcomes might prompt you to revisit your priorities and focus on higher impact projects.
  • Internal changes: Team structure, budget, or resource changes should trigger a review. Align your roadmap with current capabilities.
  • Framework effectiveness: Regularly assess if the framework helps your division-making. Adjust criteria or consider a different approach if the current one isn’t working well.
  • Set a review cadence: Choose a review frequency that suits your industry’s pace, whether it’s monthly for dynamic fields or quarterly for stable ones, to keep your strategies fresh and adaptable.

Prioritize like a pro with product management software

Product management platforms and virtual whiteboarding tools like Cacoo aren’t just user-friendly — they allow for visualization, systematic tracking, and enhanced collaboration, all from one cloud-based hub. So instead of juggling spreadsheets and sticky notes, you can streamline the entire process, from setting priorities to tracking workflows. Plus, with everyone on the team having access to the same data and updates, there’s less confusion and better alignment. 

Whether it’s collaborating on roadmaps, tracking backlogs, or getting real-time feedback, the right product management tools keep you focused on the things that matter most. Give them a try for free today! 



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