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Sharing Cacoo diagram images directly to websites and blogs

How-tosDesign & UXCacoo
Cacoo Staff

Cacoo Staff

October 25, 2020

Diagrams can be exported and downloaded in different formats (.png, .svg, .pdf, .ps, .ppt, etc), and Cacoo also makes it possible to share diagrams using an image link or embedded diagram for websites or blogs. 

Linking to the image has several benefits: 

  • It’s faster to update images: Updating the Cacoo diagram will automatically update the image on other websites. 
  • It’s convenient: We can skip the additional steps of exporting images and uploading them to other websites.
  • A single image can be shared across several websites simultaneously.

Cacoo image link shared to websites

This method is recommended for images that might be changed frequently; for example, news updates, marketing promotions, support content, or forum avatars, etc. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination!

How to generate a diagram sheet’s image link

user interface to generate a diagram sheet’s image link

  1. Click on the ‘Share’ button at the top navigation bar.
  2. At the sharing dialog, click the ‘Share via Link’ tab to access the diagram sharing options. 
  3. For sharing the diagram to the general public on the Internet, enable the ‘Public link’ radio button. Then, you can set it to ‘view only’ or ‘edit.’ This will allow others to only be able to view the diagram or edit it. 
  4. Select the sheet you wish to publish, it can be the current sheet or any sheet in the diagram. Simultaneously, you can tick the checkbox to resize the image. If left unticked, the image will be the same size as the contents in the diagram. When you’re satisfied, click the ‘Generate’ button.
  5. Copy the generated image link or embed code to insert in another website or blog. Then, close the dialog to exit.

We recommend ‘view only’ to prevent the public from editing the diagram. If you wish to limit the users who can access the diagram, you can invite them as collaborators or place the diagram in a shared folder in Cacoo.

Using the image link

The image link (URL address) you already copied is a link to an online PNG image of the Cacoo diagram sheet. You can use it to embed the image on a blog, website, or forum.

For example, when you are blogging in WordPress, you can insert the image URL to embed the image in your post. The user interface may vary depending on your WordPress version and settings.

WordPress UI to insert image url

Alternatively, if it’s a webpage, you can insert the image link using HTML tags:

<img src=”image_link_url”>

Using the embed code

Cacoo UI for diagram embed code

Copy and paste the embed code into your webpage, and the Cacoo diagram will be displayed in an iframe on the page. This allows the public to navigate and view all the sheets in the diagram. Clicking on it will then open the diagram in a new browser tab/window. 


You can use this method to share diagrams for your website or blog.


Cacoo allows us to share diagrams directly on websites with the following options:

  • Use an image link to insert a diagram sheet as a PNG image
  • Use an embed code to embed a diagram on a webpage

Because the links and code are pointing to the same Cacoo diagram/sheet, any updates to the source diagram/sheet are apparent at the endpoints (website, blog, etc.)

Remember to set the diagram to ‘view only’ if you do not wish to let anyone edit the diagram/sheet.

In addition to the methods here, there are various ways to share and collaborate on diagrams in Cacoo. Please refer to our support section on Collaborating & Sharing Diagrams for more information.


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