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Don’t just collaborate: build a collaborative culture

Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

December 20, 2023

Collaboration is one of the most overused buzzwords. Everyone from hot new startups to giant corps wave it around like a magic wand. But what is it, anyway? Is it cooperation? Coordination? Teamwork? Networking? 

At its core, collaboration simply means ‘co-labour’. It reflects a growing trend towards openness and shared leadership, contrasting with the more traditional top-down organizational structures of the past. It usually involves all of the above, and yes, the benefits are big if it’s done right. But caution ahead: collaboration is not a magic wand, and it’s more than simply setting up a brainstorming session and crossing your fingers.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what a collaborative culture looks like, and most importantly, how to do it in a way that brings lasting results. 

What is a collaborative culture?

In the workplace, a collaborative culture is an environment where sharing ideas, skills, and efforts isn’t just encouraged — it’s the norm. Every single day. This culture thrives on open communication, mutual respect, and a shared belief that more heads are better than one.

In such a culture, employees feel valued not just for their individual contributions but also for their ability to work well with others. It’s a setting where team members actively seek different opinions, blend their skills, and build on each other’s ideas to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

What are the benefits of a collaborative culture?

  • More innovation: Employees who feel comfortable sharing their thoughts are more likely to come up with unique ideas.
  • Happier employees: When team members feel they have a say in decision-making, it boosts morale and engagement. And happy employees lead to better work, higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.
  • Stronger communication: Collaborative cultures are built on strong communication. Regular interaction helps in building trust and understanding among team members.
  • More learning opportunities: Working in a collaborative environment allows employees to learn from one another.
  • Enhanced reputation: Companies known for their collaborative culture are seen as desirable places to work, which attracts top talent. This reputation is a big advantage in competitive industries.

What hinders workplace collaboration?

Creating a collaborative work environment sounds great, but it’s not always a smooth ride. Let’s look at some of the common challenges (with tips on how to overcome them in the following section). 

  • Lack of clear goals: Without clarity, collaboration can feel like rowing a boat with no map to the shore. Everyone needs to know the goal, their own responsibilities, and those of their teammates. 
  • Poor communication: If team members aren’t communicating effectively, misunderstandings will happen. It’s like trying to complete a puzzle without all the pieces. Good communication is the glue that holds collaborative efforts together.
  • Resistance to change: No-one likes change, but some people are especially set in their ways. It’s important to address this reluctance and show the value of collaboration (rather than just tell people off!).
  • Lack of trust: Trust is the foundation of any collaborative effort. If team members don’t trust each other, they’re less likely to share ideas or concerns openly.
  • Ineffective leadership: Leaders play a crucial role in fostering a collaborative culture. If they don’t lead by example or fail to encourage teamwork, it can dampen the collaborative spirit.
  • Inadequate resources: Sometimes, the issue is as simple as not having the right tools or enough time to collaborate effectively. We’ve moved beyond email and meetings. Project management software and virtual whiteboards should be part of your collaborative toolkit.
  • Differing work styles: People work differently, and when these styles clash, it can hinder collaboration. Understanding and respecting different approaches is key. 
  • Physical or technological barriers: In today’s world, where remote work is common, physical distance or inadequate technology can be a significant barrier to good collaboration.

At a glance: the features of a collaborative culture

A collaborative culture isn’t just about getting people to work together; it’s about creating an environment where collaboration is a natural part of the workflow. Here are some of the hallmarks.

  • Open communication
  • Mutual respect
  • Shared goals and vision
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Trust and transparency
  • Recognition and appreciation
  • Empowerment and autonomy
  • Diversity and inclusiveness
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • Supportive leadership

9 steps for creating a collaborative culture

Creating a culture of collaboration in the workplace isn’t just about putting a bunch of people in a room and telling them to work together. It’s about nurturing an environment where collaboration is as natural as your morning cup of coffee. Here’s how to get started:

1. Establish a vision

The first step is like setting the GPS for your road trip. You need to know where you’re going. 

Establishing a clear, compelling vision for what collaboration looks like in your organization is key. This vision should outline not just the what but also the why

Why is collaboration important for your organization? How will it help achieve your goals? 

It’s not just a statement to be hung on the wall. Everyone, from the CEO to the newest intern, should understand this vision and see how their role fits into it. 

This vision should be reflected in your organization’s policies, processes, and practices. It’s about walking the talk. When people see that collaboration is not just encouraged but embedded in the way things are done, they’re more likely to embrace it.

2. Find leaders who share your vision

Leadership sets the tone for any organizational culture, and this is especially true for collaboration. Find leaders who not only believe in the power of collaboration but also actively practice it. These are the people who will champion collaborative efforts and inspire others to follow suit.

So, what makes a collaborative leader

  • They listen as much as they speak
  • They value the input of their team members
  • They are open to different perspectives
  • They’re not just focused on the end goal but also on how the team works together to achieve it
  • They are skilled at bringing people together 
  • They can recognize strengths and weaknesses, and know how best to blend strengths for best results
  • They’re not just team builders — they’re team nurturers 
  • They’re not just C-suite leaders. They can be found in all areas of the organization. 

It’s also about leading by example. When team members see their leaders working alongside others, seeking input, and sharing credit, it sends a powerful message. It shows that collaboration isn’t just a buzzword — it’s how things are done here.

3. Do a process audit

To build a house, you need to understand the lay of the land. Similarly, before you can create a collaborative culture, you need to take a good, hard look at your current processes. What are the workflows, communication channels, decision-making processes, and so on.

Ask yourself: 

  • Are these processes conducive to collaboration? 
  • Do they encourage or hinder teamwork? 
  • Are there barriers that make it difficult for people to work together? This could be anything from siloed departments to overly rigid hierarchies.

This shouldn’t be a solo mission. Involve employees from different levels and departments. They will give you valuable insights into the day-to-day workings and areas for improvement. After all, they navigate these processes daily!

Once you understand your current processes, look for areas where collaboration can be integrated or enhanced. This might mean redesigning workflows, or it could be as simple as setting up regular team meetings to improve transparency. 

Remember, the goal isn’t to overhaul everything overnight. It’s about making strategic changes that can gradually steer your organization toward a more collaborative future.

4. Create opportunities for collaboration

Opportunities need to be as diverse as the people on your team. 

  • Create collaborative spaces: Physical or virtual spaces dedicated to collaboration can make a big difference. This could be big meeting rooms for group discussions or virtual whiteboards so remote workers can get involved.
  • Encourage cross-departmental projects: Collaboration shouldn’t be confined to just one team. Encourage projects that require input from multiple departments. This not only promotes collaboration but also helps break down silos.
  • Hold regular team meetings and check-ins: Regularly scheduled meetings where team members can come together to discuss projects, share updates, and brainstorm solutions are essential. 

5. Unite your team 

Bringing your team together requires care, attention, and the right environment. Promote unity and belonging among team members via shared goals, collective achievements, and a common purpose. 

Here are four ways to unite a team:

  • Respect: Ensure every team member feels valued and respected for their unique contributions.
  • Team-building: Regular team-building activities, both work-related and social, in-person and remote, can help team members get to know each other better, build trust, and create a stronger bond. 
  • Celebration: When the team achieves a goal, celebrate it together. 

6. Embrace differences

It’s not just about having a diverse team — it’s about actively valuing and utilizing the varied perspectives and skills each person brings to the mix. 

Remember to aim for inclusivity, not diversity. Recognize and appreciate the unique backgrounds, skills, and viewpoints each team member contributes. Once you hit this, diversity will happen naturally. 

It’s also important to recognize that differences can sometimes lead to conflict and communication breakdowns. If issues arise, focus on finding common ground and solutions that benefit everyone.

7. Make room for remote team members

Workplaces are increasingly digital and global. It’s important to make sure remote team members feel part of the crew.

  • Ensure equal access to information and resources: Give remote workers the same access to information and resources as their in-office counterparts. 
  • Facilitate regular and inclusive communication: Actively include remote team members in discussions and decision-making processes. This might mean scheduling meetings at convenient times for different time zones or making sure remote workers are actively participating, not just listening.
  • Understand and address unique challenges: Recognize the challenges remote workers face, like feeling isolated or out of the loop. Regular check-ins can help address an array of concerns, offering opportunities to discuss not only work-related matters but also to connect on a personal level.
  • Create opportunities for face-to-face interaction: This could be through team retreats, company events, or occasional in-office days, which can strengthen relationships and enhance team dynamics.
  • Utilize technology: Use tech to bridge the gap between remote and in-office team members. This includes using video conferencing and collaborative platforms for everything from catch ups to remote brainstorming

8. Offer incentives and reward teamwork

Let’s talk about giving a little nudge in the right direction. When it comes to teamwork, a bit of encouragement can really make a difference. By offering incentives and rewarding good work, you send a clear message: collaboration is valued here. 

This could be through mentions in meetings, emails celebrating their success, or even small get-togethers. It could also mean bonuses, extra vacation days, or other benefits linked to how well the team performs together. Try to customize rewards to what your team really values. Maybe ask them what kind of rewards they find most motivating.

But remember, rewards aren’t just about money or gifts. Offering chances for professional development, like training sessions or attending conferences, is also a great way to motivate. It’s a sign you’re invested in the team’s future.

9. Create feedback systems

Feedback is like a compass. It helps everyone stay on course and improve. Setting up effective feedback systems ensures everyone knows how they’re doing and what they can do better. 

  • Set up regular reviews: Regular check-ins or review sessions are important. They give team members a chance to discuss how things are going, what’s working well, and what could be improved. 
  • Encourage open dialogue: Make sure your team knows that their feedback is valued.
  • Focus on constructive feedback: Feedback should be about building up, not breaking down. Not everyone is a natural at giving or receiving feedback. Consider providing training or guidelines to help keep things productive. 

Tools to take your collaboration to the next level

From enhanced problem-solving to happier, more engaged employees, the advantages of a collaborative culture are undeniable. To make it a seamless part of your workflow, consider harnessing the power of project management software and diagramming tools to help your team connect.

These invaluable tools provide the structure and transparency that is a core part of the collaborative process. By embracing things like task tracking, live commenting, virtual whiteboards, and more, you empower your teams to work together better wherever they’re based, whatever the project. Give them a try for free today! 



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