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Six Thinking Hats

Tackle a problem as a team by looking at it from six different perspectives.
Six Thinking Hats

Uses of Six Thinking Hats

Sometimes the best way to address an issue is to look at it from different perspectives. The six thinking hats template uses a brainstorming technique that challenges everyone to see an issue or topic from different angles by putting on six different “hats”:

  • White: Look at the facts including the information you have and need.
  • Red: Share your feelings freely. What’s your gut reaction?
  • Purple: Examine the risks and problems through a logical lens.
  • Yellow: Talk about the positives including the benefits and value.
  • Green: Think about creative solutions and new or alternative ideas.
  • Blue: Make decisions, summarize key takeaways, and set a plan of action.
Six Thinking Hats

How to create your Six Thinking Hats diagram


Open the six thinking hats diagram template in Cacoo.


Clarify the topic or problem you want to address.


Work through the topic or issue by going through each of the six thinking hats. You can do this in a meeting, or have everyone fill in the diagram beforehand (in this case, ask them to skip the blue hat since you’ll work on that together).


Talk through everyone’s notes, and use the blue thinking hat to come to conclusions, make decisions, and plan next steps.

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