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  3. Research Plan Template

Research Plan Template

Create structure around research or projects by visualizing the process step by step.
Research Plan Template

Uses of Research Plan Templates

Process is essential when it comes to running a successful project, whether it’s organizing research or planning a marketing campaign. The research plan template helps you visualize the steps, their order, and how they’re related to ensure everyone’s aligned and nothing’s overlooked.

Research Plan Template

How to create your Research Plan Template


Open the research plan template in Cacoo.


List out all the steps in your research or project.


Streamline the list if needed, and create labels for each step.


Order the labels sequentially.


Use arrows to show the order and relation between the steps.


With everything in place, look to see if any steps are missing or need to be reordered.


Finalize the diagram with your team, and use it to create a project timeline.

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