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- Meeting & Brainstorming
- Crazy 8 Template

Uses of Crazy 8 Templates
Crazy 8 is a fast-paced brainstorming method where each participant sketches eight ideas in eight minutes. Typically used for visual projects like logo or website design, the crazy 8 template works for any type of creative brainstorming and requires no artistic skill (which is part of the fun).

How to create your Crazy 8 Template
Open the crazy 8 template in Cacoo.
Duplicate the template so each person in the meeting has their own.
Share the brainstorming topic and how the crazy 8 method works.
Set a timer for eight minutes, and start sketching.
At the end of the eight minutes, have everyone share three of their top ideas.
Have everyone vote on the ideas shared using sticky notes or Cacoo icons.
Take the three ideas with the most votes, and start another eight-minute round.
Repeat steps 4 to 6 as many times as needed.
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