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- AWS Architecture Diagram
AWS Architecture Diagram

Uses of AWS Architecture Diagrams
AWS architecture diagrams are extremely useful for developing a cloud architecture.
By defining the architecture and establishing the right connections between the participating elements, you can have an overview of the cloud infrastructure that supports the organization.
The most frequent uses of the AWS architecture diagram include:
- Identifying points of error
- Evaluating sensitive points for security implementation
- Maintaining compliance
- Onboarding new partners
To facilitate understanding and simplify collaboration, Cacoo AWS icons include use-case descriptions and allow you to maintain consistent visuals in your AWS diagrams.

How to create your own AWS Architecture Diagram
Think about and list all the entities involved in the architecture.
Are there external partners? Resources? List them as well.
Add all the respective icons to your diagram.
Use the arrows to define the connections.
To finish off, involve all of your collaborators to get their input.
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